Chhattisgarh Advance Rulings
S.No. Order No, Date & Name of the Applicant Question(s) on which Advance Ruling is sought
10. STC/AAR/11/2018 dt 02-03-2019: Ramnath Bhimsen Charitable Trust GST Rates applicable in case of hostel on rent to various boarder.
9. STC/AAR/10/2018 dt. 26-03-2019: Shri Nawodit Agarwal Charge GST on Freight amount excluding diesel cost or on total amount which is inclusive of diesel.
8. STC/AAR/09/2018 dt. 22.02.2019: NMDC Limited Applicability of GST on royalty paid and determination of the liability to pay tax on contributions made to DMF and NMET
7. STC/AAR/08/2018 dt. 24.12.2018: Chhattisgarh Text Book Corporation GST rate on Printing and Supply of books.
6. STC/AAR/6/2018 dt. 05.12.2018: Shri Dhananjay Kumar Singh GT Rate on “supply of services to Solid Waste Management Garbage Collection, Disposal Water Supply, Cleaning of Colony.”
5. STC/AAR/07/2018 dt. 26.11.2018: Chinta Polu Philip Levy of GST Rate applicable in case of “Dietary Services” to CIMS Hospital
4. STC/AAR/4/2018 dt. 05.09.2018: G'N' Chemicals Levy of GST Rate applicable in case of "Neem Seed".
3. STC/AAR/05/2018 dt. 10.10.2018: Taranjeet Singh Tuteja & Brothers Tax liability in the business of job work activity of custom milling of paddy involving milling activity, transportation of rice and usage charges of gunny bags.
2. STC/AAR/02/2018 dt. 06.06.2018: Utility Powertech Ltd 1. Whether the applicant is required to charge IGST or CGST and SGST on the manpower supply services provided to M/s NTPC BHEL Power projects Pvt. Ltd. (NBPPL) Mannavaram in Andhra Pradesh.
2. Whether such transaction will be categorized as an intrastate or interstate transaction.
3. If the applicant charge IGST on such transaction, considering the transaction as interstate, will the IGST charged, be available as Input Tax Credit to M/s NBPPL against their output tax liability subject to Section 17(5)
1. STC/AAR/01/2018 dt. 06.06.2018: VNR Seeds Pvt. Ltd Regarding entitlement of Input Tax Credit on the packing material (used for packaging seeds while making exempted supply of seeds to own branches and to other purchases)
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